Tuesday, November 25, 2008

RAGE! (pt.1)

We've been moving furniture at our house.
Exciting isn't it? Well, obviously not. We rent our house and whenever our lease is up and it comes to signing another my Grandad becomes convinced we are on the verge of being homeless and turns into Mr. Sheen.
It's awful. The man doesn't clean anything usually and then all of a sudden he is the one man who truly understands the 'Bam' range of products.
He even vacuumed the vacuum with his mini-vacuum!

One day a couple of weeks ago we had to move one of our sideboards to facilitate "proper carpet cleaning." This was a disaster on many levels, and led to me attempting to introduce my Grandma to the phrase "Epic Fail".
One of the reasons for the failure was mine and my Mum's fault. Over the years we had acquired so many videotapes of 'Rage' that the whole sideboard had sunk into the carpet due to the weight of all the videos we have. The carpet now has 4 holes in it right through to the concrete and you can blame the ABC.

All of this is a very long explanation as to why I have spent the last week and a half watching countless hours of Rage. There were other tapes too. A copy of 'the three amigos' possibly as old as myself turned up, as did the original Star Wars trilogy each from their first runs on television. There was even a tape labelled "Queen Mum's funeral" but sadly (or not, depending on your point of view) that had been taped over.

I took notes while watching the 1st Rage tape I found. Here they are below...

1st Rage tape is a Friday night Rage. Late 2002 or early 2003.
  • First song is a Good Charlotte song 'Boys and Girls'. Features Grandads dressed in skate clothes and Grandmas dancing. Also the line "Girls don't like boys girls like cars and money" Weren't 2 of these guys dating Paris Hilton and Nicole Ritchie?
  • 'Diamonds and Guns' by the Transplants comes on. I love this song but it shits me that it's used in a shampoo ad. It's about heroin for fucks sake! Damn Travis is a good drummer though.
  • 'The Red' by Chevelle comes on. Courtney Green and I used to listen to Rolling Stone radio online religiously around this time and this song got flogged to death. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=onqa6aRHDC4
  • 'St. Anger' by Metallica. There was so much vitriol about this album and I haven't heard a peep either way on their new album 'Death Magnetic'. I love this clip. It's filmed in San Quentin jail and the beginning of the clip with the diatribe about possible hostage situations is excellent. There's also a guy at the end waving his prosthetic leg around. There's something you don't see in every film clip. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbuk96kW9LM
  • 'Minerva' by the Deftones. Yet another song flogged on RS radio. Courtney and I used to say this would be a good song to have sex to. We were 13 or 14 at the time. Chino's voice is definitely heavenly but I can't say for sure our immature theory was correct.
  • Some boring songs play followed by Thicke's 'When I get you alone'. I remember liking this song but then I caught a glimpse of him on Oprah, of all places. In common Internet terms, he came off as a douchebag.
  • Another song with old people dancing. 'Think Twice' by Ralph Meyers. I'm sensing a theme to the video clips from this year.
  • This one I'm only mentioning for John Watson. 'Make Luv' by Room 5 and Oliver Cheatham has Jo from the Bill Starring in it! Man I love P.C. Masters... I can't find this particular clip online though.
  • GAY BAR! (Electric Six)
  • 'Low' by the Foo Fighters. One of these days I have to count how many Foo Fighters clips Dave Grohl cross-dresses in. It's also a little demoralising that Jack Black may well look better in a pink mini-skirt than me...
  • Finch's 'What it is to burn' is on, followed by 'Girl's not Grey' by AFI. Thereby completing the list of 'Songs Courtney and I were obsessed with in years 8 and 9.'...........
  • ..... Speaking of school, In year 10 Tom Mitchell, Tim Mitchell, Lech Horbacki and I went to see the Channel V bus while it was in Canberra. 28 days were the headliners with Mandy Kane also playing. Mandy Kane have a keytar. Mandy Kane listened to too much Adam Ant growing up. Mandy Kane are awful. Mandy Kane are on my damn TV with 'Stab'.
  • The final songs are 'United States of Whatever' by Liam Lynch, 'I am' by Will.I.Am, and the u-metal back to back of Stain'd (Price to Play) and P.O.D (Sleeping Awake from the Matrix soundtrack.)

This tape got thrown out after I watched it. If I find any other weird Rages I'll post about them here. If you've ever found a really old tape with something odd on it please write in the comments section.

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